In this optical illusion, if this were the path of two airplanes flying next to each other, would you as a passenger have anything to worry about?The medical world has verified that laughter releases endorphins, God's natural painkillers, which are fifty to one hundred times more powerful than morphine. - Marilyn Meberg
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Airplane Crash Optical Illusion

If the red lines were the path of two airplanes flying next to each other at the same time, would you as a passenger have anything to worry about?

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In this optical illusion, if this were the path of two airplanes flying next to each other, would you as a passenger have anything to worry about?


Scroll down for the answer and explanation.




No. They are flying parallel.


You really would have nothing to worry about. They are straight, parallel lines. This optical illusion is taking advantage of a three dimensional technique where all of the background lines meet at one point, thus making the mind see the picture as a 3D model of reality, rather than just lines on a screen. The lines appear to create a tube or tunnel, which would be round. We then adjust for the 3D effect, resulting in the lines appearing curved.

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